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Murray Flag Football Sign Up

Dear Parents,
This will be the first year offering flag football. We expect this to be a learning
opportunity for both kids and coaches. The flag football season will run concurrently
with the soccer season; however flag football games will not interfere with soccer
games in order to allow your child to participate in both if they wish. We will do our
best to accommodate both programs.
At the time you sign your child up to play, you take the responsibility of seeing
that they are able to attend practices and games. If your child isn’t going to be able to
attend regularly, please reconsider signing them up to play.
The board members want to include as many parents as possible in the program.
We are looking for volunteers to help coach and referee.
As always, the children are our main concern. Their safety and welfare always
come first. We will make every effort to ensure that the equipment is in good
condition and that the kids understand the importance of playing a team sport in a
safe and enjoyable manner.
Please help make this a successful season. Your continued support is always greatly
Murray Rec Board

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