
Murray will have a 2 hr delay this morning, Thursday, February 6, 2025. No before school activities.


Nurse’s Corner

The mission of Murray CSD nursing services is to strive to provide compassionate and comprehensive health services for all children within the school district.

The school nurse works to help ensure student health needs are addressed as they relate to learning, education, and social-emotional health/wellness by promoting a positive and caring environment within the school. Students are referred to the nurse when they are injured, show signs of an illness, or express the need for health care.

If you should have any questions or concerns, please contact the school nurse. 

Miss Crowley Anne Crowley

(641) 447-2517 ext. 110

Email Anne Crowley
Visit Ms. Crowley’s website

Immunization information

Did you know that all children attending school in Iowa must have a current and valid immunization record? Immunizations must include doses of Tdap, Polio, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR), Hepatitis B, and Varicella. In the State of Iowa, a current and valid immunization record must be on file before the first day of school. Murray will enforce the measure that a student may be excluded from school until their file shows compliance with Iowa Immunization Law.

Kindergarten requirements Kindergarten Immunization Letter (PDF)
7th Grade requirements Meningococcal Booster

TDap Booster

12th Grade requirements Additional Meningococcal Booster

Complete list of immunization requirements Preschool – Grade 12

View complete list (PDF)

Health Screenings

Preschool requirements Physical required
Kindergarten requirements Dental Screen (PDF)

Lead Screen

Vision Screen (PDF)

3rd Grade requirements Vision Screen (PDF)
9th Grade requirements Dental Screen (PDF)

Covid Update

Governor Reynolds released a statement allowing for businesses to make their own decisions in regard to masks, social distancing, and other health related practices. As a school, the Murray Community School District will still continue to require masks to be worn at school and at all school events by students, staff, community members and all other visitors in general.

The district will also continue with the multiple mitigation practices we have in place at this time. In the community of Murray, the school is one of the largest gathering areas within the entire community. Our goal is to maintain a safe and healthy environment for everyone in the buildings, and these practices have been successful in a face-to-face environment.

Additional Resources

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are continuing to see more illness (Influenza, RSV, GI, etc) throughout our school and community. Please continue to follow our

policy on when to keep children home from school.

Temperatures of 100.4 degrees F and above will be sent home from school and should be kept home until fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications (Tylenol, Ibuprofen). Students with diarrhea or vomiting and
unexplained rashes will also be sent home and should be kept home until symptom-free for a full
24 hours. Please also keep in mind that a child diagnosed with strep throat should be on antibiotics for 24 hours prior returning. If your child tests positive for COVID, they should stay home for 5 days and/or return once their symptoms are resolved and they are fever free whichever is longer.

If a student returns to school after being sent home the previous day for a temperature of 100.4
degrees F or greater or other illness symptoms, please expect a call from school staff to pick up
your child. If your child is sent home on Tuesday with the above symptoms, they should not return until Thursday. 

Potentially worrisome symptoms that would warrant a doctor’s visit include (but not limited to):
 High/persistent fever
 Fatigue/excessive tiredness
 Pink/red eyes with drainage
 Persistent or worsening cough
 Fast breathing or trouble breathing
 Severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhea
 Persistent ear pain with or without drainage

Healthy habits that you can help encourage to prevent the spread of germs and illness:
 Stay home when ill
 Frequent hand washing
 Avoid touching your mouth and nose
 Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces
 Coughing/sneezing into a tissue, not your hands
 Avoid sharing used personal items like drinks and utensils

Thank you for helping us keep our students and staff members healthy and well.