
High School Staff



Anne Crowley

Anne Crowley

School Nurse, Health Occupation Classes
Future Nurses of America Sponsor/ JH & HS Student Council

Email Anne Crowley

Miss Ewing Amy Ewing

9-12 Agriculture Education Teacher
FFA Sponsor

Email Amy Ewing
Visit Ms. Ewing’s website

Mr. Hauser Robert Hauser

K-12 Choir Teacher/ 5-12 Band Teacher

Email Robert Hauser


Mustang Logo Cale Hendricks

K-12 PE and Health

Email Cale Hendricks

Mrs. Hollinger Laura Hollinger

K-12 TAG & 9-12 Business
7th Grade Sponsor

Email Laura Hollinger

Visit Mrs. Hollinger’s website


Heather Pate

Heather Pate

9-12 English Teacher

Junior Class Sponsor/JH Softball Coach

Email Heather Pate


Danielle Norman

Danielle Norman

9-12 Math Teacher
10th Grade Sponsor/Student Council Advisor

Email Danielle Norman
Visit Mrs. Norman’s website

Mindy Oswald Mindy Oswald

College Math Teacher
Email Mindy Oswald
Visit Mrs. Oswald’s website

Mustang Logo Courtney Scroggie

K-12 Art

Email Courtney Scroggie


Ashley Sorter

Ashley Sorter

9-12 Spanish Teacher

Email Ashley Sorter



Devin Vander Molen

Devin Vander Molen

9-12 Special Education Teacher

Email Devin Vander Molen


Darin Wookey

Darin Wookey

8-12 Social Studies Teacher
High School Boys Basketball
9th Grade Sponsor

Email Darin Wookey
Visit Mr. Wookey’s website

Jerry Young Jerry Young

High School Science Teacher

Email Jerry Young